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Pondering just how much the weather’s changing & just how much we complain about it, I wonder if it’s because we’re getting annoyed by just how much we’re ending up with having to pay more for pretty much everything. With taxes going up, causing expenses to rise by quite a bit, we’re left wondering if there’s light at the end of the tunnel or if the economy is going down the drain because of it. We end up worrying about it, getting frustrated about it, or just plain getting tired of it all because of just how much we end up being inundated with by the 24/7 news cycle.

With photography, we try to get through it all by just taking the image and then moving on, something that I’m so guilty of these days. We move on from image to image, sometimes moving too quickly through it all; I’ve done that so many times, speeding through it all too quickly. During the last time I was out trying to get a batch of shots, I probably took more than just a handful of photographs every couple of minutes because I was so zoned in and looking for a specific photograph. While I got close, it’s going to take time in refining them just so that I can get them to turn out just right.

- Sunlight -
– Sunlight –

With the above photograph, taken during the short time at a nearby neighbourhood park, taking photographs of the white flowers on the trees, I was trying to get images that captured the late afternoon sunlight on the trees. I guess it got close to what I was trying to capture, but refining was definitely key in trying to get it to this point where it seems to work. I’ve probably, after all is said & done, spent more time working on this image than I did capturing the rest of the images. Getting through the attempts to work this image, I think that there’s some hope for it in the end, but that requires less complaining & more carefully examining the scene while working on it.

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